Lower graphics settings: 

Reducing the quality of textures, shadows, and other visual effects can greatly improve performance. You can also lower the resolution to further improve FPS.

Close unnecessary programs:

 Closing any unnecessary programs that may be running in the background can free up valuable CPU resources, allowing Fortnite to run smoother.

Update graphics drivers:

 Outdated or corrupted graphics drivers can cause issues with Fortnite's performance. Ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date.

Adjust Fortnite's in-game settings:

Fortnite has several in-game settings that can affect performance. Lowering the view distance, turning off motion blur, and disabling shadows can all help boost FPS.

Upgrade your hardware:

 If your PC is struggling to run Fortnite, it may be time to consider upgrading your hardware. Upgrading to a better graphics card or adding more RAM can significantly improve performance.

By following these quick methods, you should be able to optimize your PC and boost FPS in Fortnite Chapter 4.


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